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C With Data Structure & Algorithms


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Are you Looking for the Best Institute for C Language Training Course in Darbhanga,Bihar / Greater Darbhanga,Bihar? HINDUSTAN STUDY offers C Programing training classes with live project by expert trainer in Darbhanga,Bihar. Our C Language program is specially designed for Under-Graduates (UG), Graduates, working professional and also for Freelancers. We provide end to end learning on C Programing Domain with deeper dives for creating a winning career for every profile.

How Hindustan Study Provides Best Placement Assistance?

  • Hindustan study is the best institute for C Language  Certification Training in Darbhanga,Bihar, Darbhanga,Bihar in providing placement assistance to every student.
  • We also teach students how to build their Resumes.
  • Our Placement cell helps every student to get a job in MNCs like Tech Mahindra, Wipro, TCS, Accenture, etc.
  • Internships are also available in Hindustan study.

The computing world has undergone a revolutionary change. Big computers turned into laptops, bigger programs broke out to small modules, audio chat to video chat and many more. During this time, many languages came to the market; some were great and some were just a mere wastage of time. Everyone has their own opinion towards every language. Among all the existing top languages, C is referred as more complicated and structured language. Moreover, there is plenty of competition among those language but the features and the perspective of C is still simple. The growing popularity of this language, involves many creation of compilers, operating systems, games and editors. Moreover, it is the general-purpose language with ability to draw the expressions, data flow, and data structures. It is true! The language is important to every branch of students whether it may be engineering, master’s degree or any other course. Apart from the colleges, there are many training institutes, which offer this course. HINDUSTAN STUDY is one among those. Over many years, HINDUSTAN STUDY is providing the platform of every class of students to master the C language. Enrolling to this institute assures a student to be above the developer. Therefore, rush to our nearest centre, and be placed in top MNC’s.

  • .C Language Contents:

    • Introduction to C Language
    • Role Of Compilers and Assemblers
    • Procedural programming Approach
    • Top to Bottom Approach

    Introduction to C Basic

    • Keywords
    • Data types
    • Variables
    • Constants
    • Identifiers
    • Tokens
    • Operators
    • memory management in prog

    Flow Control Statements

    • Jump statements
    • Goto
    • Break
    • Continue
    • Conditional Statements
    • If statement
    • If else statement
    • Nested if else
    • If else if ladder
    • Switch case statement
    • Iteration statements
    • For loop
    • While loop
    • Do while loop
    • Nested loops
    • patterns


    • Introduction to Arrays
    • Several examples of Arrays like insert, delete, counter occurrence of items etc.
    • Searching
    • Sorting
    • 2 D Array
    • Several Examples of 2 D arrays
    • Multidimensional Array s


    • Introduction to Strings
    • String handling built in functions
    • Several examples of Strings
    • Array of Strings
    • Searching in Array of Strings
    • Sorting in Array of Strings


    • Introduction to pointers
    • Pointer expressions
    • Types of Pointers
      • Void Pointer
      • NULL Pointer
      • Wild Pointer
      • Dangling Pointer
    • Various examples of pointers
    • Pointer Arithmetic’s
    • Array using pointers
    • String using pointers
    • Pointers in Functions
    • deadlock pointer


    • Introduction to functions
    • Types of functions
    • Nesting of functions
    • Various examples of functions
    • Strings passing is functions
    • Array Passing in Functions
    • Pointer passing is functions
    • Function Returning Address
    • Function returning address
    • Recursion
    • Various Examples and Interview Questions on Recursion and Function
    • Storage classes


    • Introduction to structure
    • Advantages of structure
    • Array of structure
    • Structure using pointer
    • Structure with functions
    • Applications of structure


    • Introduction to union
    • Advantages of union
    • Difference between union and structure


    • Introduction to enum


    • Introduction to dynamic memory allocation
    • Advantage of dynamic memory allocation
    • malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free()
    • Array implementation using dynamic memory allocation

    Macro and Compiler Control Directives

    • #define
    • #undef
    • #ifdef
    • #ifndef
    • #elif
    • ## Etc.


    • Introduction to file management
    • File opening modes
    • Opening and closing a file
    • Input output operations on file
    • Applications of file management
    • Project



    • What is data structure
    • Benefits of data structure
    • Types of data structure
    • Introduction to algorithms
    • Types of Algorithms
    • Time and Space Complexity
    • Interview Questions


    • Array
    • String
    • Link list
      • Introduction to link list
      • Array vs. link lists
      • Types of link lists
      • Implementation of link list
      • Singly link list
      • Insertion(at first position, last position and at used specific position) , deletion(at first position, last position and at used specific position) , traversing operations in Singly linked list
      • Doubly link list
      • Insertion (at first position, last position and at used specific position), deletion(at first position, last position and at used specific position) , traversing operations in Doubly linked list
      • Circular link list
      • Insertion(at first position, last position and at used specific position) , deletion(at first position, last position and at used specific position) , traversing operations in Circular linked list
      • Application of link list
      • Interview Questions
    • Stack
      • Introduction to stack
      • Stack using array
      • Stack using linked list
      • Applications of stack
      • Reverse Polish Notations(Infix to Postfix and Infix to Prefix)
      • Interview Questions
    • Queue
      • Introduction to queue
      • Queue using array
      • Queue using linked list
      • Applications of queue
      • Introduction to circular queue
    • Application of Circular queue
      • Introduction to DeQueue(Double Ended Queue)
      • Application of Dequeue
      • Priority Queue
      • Interview Questions

    Non-linear data structure

    • Tree
      • Introduction to trees
      • Types of trees
      • Implementation of tress
      • Binary tree
      • Binary search tree
      • AVL tree
      • Threaded binary tree
      • M way tree
      • M way search tree
      • B tree
      • Heap
      • Various operations on trees
      • Application of tress
      • Interview Questions
    • Searching and sorting

      • Searching in arrays
      • Searching in strings
        • Linear Search
        • Binary Search
      • Sorting
      • Various sorting techniques
        • Selection sort
        • Bubble sort
        • Insertion sort
        • Quick sort
        • Heap sort
        • Merge sort
        • Radix Sort


      • Introduction of graph
      • Types of graphs
      • Implementation of graph using Adj.
      • Matrix and Adj. list
      • Various operations on graphs
      • Shortest path search in graph
        • Floyd Warshall Algorithm
        • Dijkstra Algorithm
      • Minimum spanning tree
        • Kruskal’s Algorithm
        • Prims Algorithm
      • Applications of graphs
      • Interview QuestionsHashing


      • Introduction of hashing
      • Hash table
      • Applications of hashing
      • Interview Questions

      Interview Qulestions





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