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AI Using Python


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Are you Looking for the Best Institute for AI using Python training in Darbhanga,Bihar? HINDUSTAN STUDY offers AI using Python training classes with live project by expert trainer in Darbhanga,Bihar. Our AI using Python training program in Darbhanga,Bihar is specially designed for Under-Graduates (UG), Graduates, working professional and also for Freelancers. We provide end to end learning on AI using Python Domain with deeper dives for creating a winning career for every profile.

Why To Enroll In Our AI using Python Training Course in Darbhanga,Bihar?

We Focus on Innovative ideas, High-quality Training, Smart Classes, 100% job assistance, Opening the doors of opportunities. Our AI using Python Trainees are working across the nation. We at Hindustan Study India, No#1 AI using Python Course in Darbhanga,Bihar with 100% Placement. Certified Trainers with Over 10,000 Students Trained in AI using Python Course in Darbhanga,Bihar.

What Our Students Will Get During AI using Python Training Course?

Get dedicated student support, career services, industry expert mentors and real world projects. Career Counselling. Timely Doubt Resolution. 50% Salary Hike, Career Counselling Case Studies + Tools + Certificate.

Why learn AI using Python?

It’s continued to be a great option for data scientists who use it for building Machine learning applications or and using them and other scientific computations. AI Using Python Training in Darbhanga,Bihar cuts development time in half with its simple to read syntax and easy compilation feature with easy to learn the concept. Debugging any type of programs is a breeze in this language with its built-in debugger. It runs on every famous type of platforms like Windows, Linux/Unix, and Mac OS and has been ported to Java and .NET virtual machines. Python is free to use language, even for commercial products, because of its OSI-approved open source license, so anyone can use it for free. It has opted as the most preferred Language for AI and the increasing search trends on Python every day also indicates that it is the “Next Big Thing” and a must for aspirants in the AI field.

Job Opportunities after Python Training:

The demand for this language is increasing at a rapid rate in the market. Organizations have been searching for skilled candidates to develop web applications. With AI Using Python Training in Darbhanga,Bihar,India, a candidate can easily gain some programming skills. The carrier scope in this field is very large. A candidate can be hired as a Python Developer or a Data Analyst or more. Python plays an important role in your resume. Some other job profiles by learning this are Research Analyst, Software Engineer, and Software Developer and so on. Training is a very important part to be a successful developer or researcher. The good part is that Hindustan Study IT Certification are provided on completing the training successfully. It opens a lot of opportunities for aspiring candidates.

Why Hindustan Study?

Hindustan Study has a dedicated team of highly expert trainers to identify, evaluate, implement and providing Best AI Using Python Training Institute in Darbhanga,Bihar for our students. Our Trainers leverage a defined methodology that helps identify opportunity, develop the most optimal resolution and maturely execute the solution. We have the best trainers across the world to provide Best AI Using Python Training in Darbhanga,Bihar who are highly qualified and are best in their field. The Training & Placement cell is committed to providing all attainable help to the students in their efforts to seek out employment and internships in every field. The placement department works beside alternative departments as a team in molding the scholars to the necessities of varied industries. We got proactive and business clued-in Placement Cells that pride itself on a robust skilled network across numerous sectors. It actively coordinates with every student and ensures that they get placed with purported MNCs among six months of graduating. We are the Best AI Using Python Training in Darbhanga,Bihar.

  • .Introduction To Python

    • Why Python
    • Application areas of python
    • Python implementations
    • Cpython
    • Jython
    • Ironpython
    • Pypy
    • Python versions
    • Installing python
    • Python interpreter architecture
    • Python byte code compiler
    • Python virtual machine(pvm)

    Writing and Executing First Python Program

    • Using interactive mode
    • Using script mode
      • General text editor and command window
      • Idle editor and idle shell
    • Understanding print() function
    • How to compile python program explicitly

    Python Language Fundamentals

    • Character set
    • Keywords
    • Comments
    • Variables
    • Literals
    • Operators
    • Reading input from console
    • Parsing string to int, float

    Python Conditional Statements

    • If statement
    • If else statement
    • If elif statement
    • If elif else statement
    • Nested if statement

    Looping Statements

    • While loop
    • For loop
    • Nested loops
    • Pass, break and continue keywords

    Standard Data Types

    • Int, float, complex, bool, nonetype
    • Str, list, tuple, range
    • Dict, set, frozenset

    String Handling

    • What is string
    • String representations
    • Unicode string
    • String functions, methods
    • String indexing and slicing
    • String formatting

    Python List

    • Creating and accessing lists
    • Indexing and slicing lists
    • List methods
    • Nested lists
    • List comprehension

    Python Tuple

    • Creating tuple
    • Accessing tuple
    • Immutability of tuple

    Python Set

    • How to create a set
    • Iteration over sets
    • Python set methods
    • Python frozenset

    Python Dictionary

    • Creating a dictionary
    • Dictionary methods
    • Accessing values from dictionary
    • Updating dictionary
    • Iterating dictionary
    • Dictionary comprehension

    Python Functions

    • Defining a function
    • Calling a function
    • Types of functions
    • Function arguments
    • Positional arguments, keyword arguments
    • Default arguments, non-default arguments
    • Arbitrary arguments, keyword arbitrary arguments
    • Function return statement
    • Nested function
    • Function as argument
    • Function as return statement
    • Decorator function
    • Closure
    • Map(), filter(), reduce(), any() functions
    • Anonymous or lambda function

    Modules & Packages

    • Why modules
    • Script v/s module
    • Importing module
    • Standard v/s third party modules
    • Why packages
    • Understanding pip utility

    File I/O

    • Introduction to file handling
    • File modes
    • Functions and methods related to file handling
    • Understanding with block

    Object Oriented Programming

    • Procedural v/s object oriented programming
    • OOP principles
    • Defining a class & object creation
    • Object attributes
    • Inheritance
    • Encapsulation
    • Polymorphism

    Exception Handling

    • Difference between syntax errors and exceptions
    • Keywords used in exception handling
    • try, except, finally, raise, assert
    • Types of except blocks

    Regular Expressions(Regex)

    • Need of regular expressions
    • Re module
    • Functions /methods related to regex
    • Meta characters & special sequences

    GUI Programming

    • Introduction to tkinter programming
    • Tkinter widgets
    • Tk, label, Entry, Textbox, Button
    • Frame, messagebox, filedialogetc
    • Layout managers
    • Event handling
    • Displaying image

    Multi-Threading Programming

    • Multi-processing v/s Multi- threading
    • Need of threads
    • Creating child threads
    • Functions /methods related to threads
    • Thread synchronization and locking


    Introduction to Database

    • Database Concepts
    • What is Database Package?
    • Understanding Data Storage
    • Relational Database (RDBMS) Concept

    SQL (Structured Query Language)

    • SQL basics
    • DML, DDL & DQL
    • DDL: create, alter, drop
    • SQL constraints:
    • Not null, unique,
    • Primary & foreign key, composite key
    • , default
    • DML: insert, update, delete and merge
    • DQL : select
    • Select distinct
    • SQL where
    • SQL operators
    • SQL like
    • SQL order by
    • SQL aliases
    • SQL views
    • SQL joins
    • Inner join
    • Left (outer) join
    • Right (outer) join
    • Full (outer) join
    • Mysql functions
    • String functions
    • Char_length
    • Concat
    • Lower
    • Reverse
    • Upper
    • Numeric functions
    • Max, min, sum
    • Avg, count, abs
    • Date functions
    • Curdate
    • Curtime
    • Now

    Statistics, Probability &Analytics:

    Introduction to Statistics

    • Sample or population
    • Measures of central tendency
    • Arithmetic mean
    • Harmonic mean
    • Geometric mean
    • Mode
    • Quartile
    • First quartile
    • Second quartile(median)
    • Third quartile
    • Standard deviation

    Probability Distributions

    • Introduction to probability
    • Conditional probability
    • Normal distribution
    • Uniform distribution
    • Exponential distribution
    • Right & left skewed distribution
    • Random distribution
    • Central limit theorem ●

    Hypothesis Testing

    • Normality test ●
    • Mean test●
    • T-test●
    • Z-test ●
    • ANOVA test●
    • Chi square test●
    • Correlation and covariance●

    Numpy Package

    • Difference between list and numpy array ●
    • Vector and matrix operations ●
    • Array indexing and slicing ●

    Pandas Package

    Introduction to pandas

    • Labeled and structured data●
    • Series and dataframe objects●

    How to load datasets

    • From excel●
    • From csv●
    • From html table ●

    Accessing data from Data Frame

    • at &iat●
    • loc&iloc●
    • head() & tail()●

    Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

    • describe()●
    • groupby()●
    • crosstab()●
    • boolean slicing / query()●

    Data Manipulation & Cleaning

    • Map(), apply()
    • Combining data frames
    • Adding/removing rows & columns
    • Sorting data
    • Handling missing values
    • Handling duplicacy
    • Handling data error

    Handling Date and Time

    Data Visualization using matplotlib and seaborn packages

    • Scatter plot, lineplot, bar plot
    • Histogram, pie chart,
    • Jointplot, pairplot, heatmap
    • Outlier detection using boxplot

    Machine Learning:

    Introduction To Machine Learning

    • Traditional v/s Machine Learning Programming
    • Real life examples based on ML
    • Steps of ML Programming
    • Data Preprocessing revised
    • Terminology related to ML

    Supervised Learning

    • Classification
    • Regression

    Unsupervised Learning

    • Clustering

    KNN Classification

    • Math behind KNN
    • KNN implementation
    • Understanding hyper parameters

    Performance metrics

    • Math behind KNN
    • KNN implementation
    • Understanding hyper parameters


    • Math behind regression
    • Simple linear regression
    • Multiple linear regression
    • Polynomial regression
    • Boston price prediction
    • Cost or loss functions
    • Mean absolute error
    • Mean squared error
    • Root mean squared error
    • Least square error
    • Regularization

    Logistic Regression for classification

    • Theory of logistic regression
    • Binary and multiclass classification
    • Implementing titanic dataset
    • Implementing iris dataset
    • Sigmoid and softmax functions

    Support Vector Machines

    • Theory of SVM
    • SVM Implementation
    • kernel, gamma, alpha

    Decision Tree Classification

    • Theory of decision tree
    • Node splitting
    • Implementation with iris dataset
    • Visualizing tree

    Ensemble Learning

    • Random forest
    • Bagging and boosting
    • Voting classifier

    Model Selection Techniques

    • Cross validation
    • Grid and random search for hyper parameter tuning

    Recommendation System

    • Content based technique
    • Collaborative filtering technique
    • Evaluating similarity based on correlation
    • Classification-based recommendations


    • K-means clustering
    • Hierarchical clustering
    • Elbow technique
    • Silhouette coefficient
    • Dendogram

    Text Analysis

    • Install nltk
    • Tokenize words
    • Tokenizing sentences
    • Stop words customization
    • Stemming and lemmatization
    • Feature extraction
    • Sentiment analysis
    • CountVectorizer
    • TfidfVectorizer
    • Naive bayes algorithms

    Dimensionality Reduction

    • Principal component analysis(PCA)

    Open CV

    • Reading images
    • Understanding gray scale image
    • Resizing image
    • Understanding haar classifiers
    • Face, eyes classification
    • How to use webcam in open cv
    • Building image data set
    • Capturing video
    • Face classification in video
    • Creating model for gender prediction

    Deep Learning & Neural Networks:

    Introduction To Artificial Neural Network

    • What is artificial neural network (ANN)?
    • How neural network works?
    • Perceptron
    • Multilayer perceptron
    • Feedforward
    • Back propagation

    Introduction To Deep Learning

    • What is deep learning?
    • Deep learning packages
    • Deep learning applications
    • Building deep learning environment
    • Installing tensor flow locally
    • Understanding google colab

    Tensor Flow Basics

    • What is tensorflow?
    • Tensorflow 1.x v/s tensorflow 2.x
    • Variables, constants
    • Scalar, vector, matrix
    • Operations using tensorflow
    • Difference between tensorflow and numpy operations
    • Computational graph


    • What does optimizers do?
    • Gradient descent (full batch and min batch)
    • Stochastic gradient descent
    • Learning rate , epoch

    Activation Functions

    • What does activation functions do?
    • Sigmoid function,
    • Hyperbolic tangent function (tanh)
    • ReLU –rectified linear unit
    • Softmax function
    • Vanishing gradient problem

    Building Artificial Neural Network

    • Using scikit implementation
    • Using tensorflow
    • Understanding mnist dataset
    • Initializing weights and biases
    • Gradient tape
    • Defining loss/cost function
    • Train the neural network
    • Minimizing the loss by adjusting weights and biases

    Modern Deep Learning Optimizers and Regularization

    • SGD with momentum
    • RMSprop
    • AdaGrad
    • Adam
    • Dropout layers and regularization
    • Batch normalization

    Building Deep Neural Network Using Keras

    • What is keras?
    • Keras fundamental for deep learning
    • Keras sequential model and functional api
    • Solve a linear regression and classification problem with example
    • Saving and loading a keras model

    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

    • Introduction to CNN
    • CNN architecture
    • Convolutional operations
    • Pooling, stride and padding operations
    • Data augmentation
    • Building,training and evaluating first CNN model
    • Model performance optimization
    • Auto encoders for CNN
    • Transfer learning and object detection using pre-trained CNN models
    • LeNet
    • AlexNet
    • VGG16
    • ResNet50
    • Yolo algorithm

    Word Embedding

    • What is word embedding?
    • Word2vec embedding
    • CBOW
    • Skipgram
    • Keras embedding layers
    • Visualize word embedding
    • Google word2vec embedding
    • Glove embedding

    Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

    • Introduction to RNN
    • RNN architecture
    • Implementing basic RNN in tensorflow
    • Need for LSTM and GRU
    • Deep RNN/LSTM/GRU
    • Text classification using LSTM
    • Prediction for time series problem
    • Seq-2-seq modeling
    • Encoder-decoder model

    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

    • Introduction to GAN
    • Generator
    • Discriminator
    • Types of GAN
    • Implementing GAN using neural network

    Speech Recognition APIs

    • Text to speech
    • Speech to text
    • Automate task using voice
    • Voice search on web

    Projects(Any Four)

    • Stock Price Prediction Using LSTM
    • Object Detection
    • Attendance System Using Face Recognition
    • Facial Expression and Age Prediction
    • Neural Machine Translation
    • Hand Written Digits& Letters Prediction
    • Number Plate Recognition
    • Gender Classification
    • My Assistant for Desktop
    • Cat v/s Dog Image Classification


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